
cresta croce_cannone

From the 149G cannon to the cross dedicated to John Paul II


Cima Cresta Croce 3303m (Punta Giovanni Paolo II), is a destination of great alpine interest and profound spiritual and symbolic value.

The magnificent and aerial ridge that connects the summit to the Dosson Pass, welcomes at its ends two solemn historical monuments: on one side the Cannon 149/G, witness of the bloody clashes dating back to the First World War, on the other the Granite Cross erected in July '98, on the occasion of the Anno Domini Duemila Jubilee, dedicated to Pope John Paul II, as a message of Peace and Faith in the world.

Nestled in the heart of the Mandrone glacier, the summit offers a limitless view, which extends beyond the immense snowy expanse of Pian di Neve, towards the Presanella summit, the Brenta Dolomites, Ortles and Cevedale, Mount Disgrazia and the Bernina.

MountainGuideAdamelloBrenta daily organizes tours on request.



- PERIOD: from June to September.
- DURATION: 2 days (via Rifugio ai Caduti dell'Adamello).
- COST: from 200€/person.

Customizable program on request.
Multi-day tours, high-altitude routes and crossings, access from different valleys, peak-links.

- Costs include: IFMGA mountain guide service, RC insurance, equipment, photos.
- Any other espenses at charge of participants (lift-tickets, mountain huts, transfers, for themselves and the guide).

Contact us for any info, requests or custom program.

contattaci / contact us


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