
Awesome iced canyon


Located at the foot of Marmolada, between the village of Sottoguda and Malga Ciapela, the Sottoguda Canyon is one of most appreciated Dolomite-ice-climbing areas of western north-Italy. Its proximity to the city, easy access, the in-situ protection, the beauty and abundance of waterfalls, make this area extremely interesting.

Among the most popular routes, Excalibur, La Cattedrale, Spada nella roccia, Del Sole e Diagonale.

MountainGuideAdamelloBrenta organizes upon demand, full-day or multi-day package tours of guiding, teaching or customized programs, either to learn or improve one's technique, or simply spend a day having fun in safety.


- PERIOD: from november to april.
- DURATION: one or more days.
- COST: ask for a quotation (rates are in relation to length, difficulty and number of participants).

- Costs include IFMGA mountain guide service, insurance, common and persoanle gear according to availability.


Contact us for any info, request or customized program.

contattaci / contact us


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